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Health & Safety

At Ascender, health and safety matter. here's our response to COVID-19.

Last updated: February 22, 2023

At Ascender, we take the health and safety of our immediate and wider communities seriously.  

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our team has worked hard to provide a safe and sanitized environment for our members to get things done. Our current protocols are the result of federal and state guidelines, as well as member feedback. 

For those who are unable to attend in-person events, we ask that you reach out for information about the availability of virtual attendance options. Often, we are able to provide recordings of our workshops and expert sessions. We also provide an option for Virtual Membership at Ascender.

If you have any questions or concerns about Ascender’s COVID-19 response or current guidelines, please reach out.

Because we are a 24/7 facility, we are unable to verify the vaccination status of every individual who enters our space.

For events and workshops where close interaction between participants is expected, Ascender reserves the right to require proof of vaccination for attendees.

Cleaning and health practices

In addition to regular professional cleaning of our space, we have hand and surface sanitizers available and accessible to members at all times.

We encourage everyone in the space to follow official guidelines for personal hygiene, including utilizing the provided all-purpose surface cleaners and hand sanitizer, regularly washing hands for at least 20 seconds, and staying home if you or any member of your household is experiencing flu-like symptoms.

We are up-to-date on official guidance regarding required measures should there be an outbreak amongst our staff or our membership and are prepared with a plan to enact those measures if necessary.


Prospective members have the option to tour Ascender virtually or in person. If you are interested in learning about our Ascender community, available memberships, and resources for entrepreneurs, please click the appropriate link below to book an appointment:

Entrepreneurial support has always been at the heart of Ascender’s mission. We have worked closely with the small business owners and entrepreneurs in our community to understand their needs and direct them towards resources while continuing to facilitate a vibrant calendar of virtual and in-person programming, including social activities and guest speakers.

We will continue to compile resources for all of Pittsburgh’s entrepreneurship community on our website and in our newsletter. Never hesitate to get in touch!

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