An authentic, casual conversation about navigating a good work-life balance with Leigh Solomon Pugliano and Alex Bernstein.

Headshot photos of Leigh Solomon Pugliano and Alex Bernstein with the caption: Real Talk — Navigating Your Work-Life Balance
Leigh Solomon Pugliano, Founder and Principal Consultant at Straightforward Consulting, and Alex Bernstein, President and Director of Finance & Business Development at ASCEND.

Finding balance between your job and life can seem like an impossible goal. Juggling personal relationships, outside activities, and keeping up with coworkers can be a lot to handle. However, with the lines between work and home blurring even more these past two years, it’s important to take a step back and assess one’s mental state. Yes, this means not being glued to your laptop after 5 PM or checking your inbox at ungodly hours. Remember: the quality of your work and the success of your business are a direct reflection of how you’re feeling.

For our latest installment of Real Talk, we spoke with two local entrepreneurs, Leigh Solomon Pugliano, Founder and Principal Consultant at Straightforward Consulting, and Alex Bernstein, President and Director of Finance & Business Development at ASCEND Climbing. Conversations ranged from party planning to working late nights and so much more (check out the entire chat below). There are a lot of strategies to navigating your individual work-life balance. Still, the main themes that popped up during our talk were making a real effort to compartmentalize work and personal life and intentionally scheduling time for the things that matter most.

Here are some of our favorite quotes from Real Talk:

Watch the full conversation with Leigh and Alex below.

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Getting Real About Finding Balance was originally published in Ascender on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.