It doesn’t matter if you’re working for an established Fortune 500 or a recent startup company. More and more employees are transitioning from a “traditional” office environment to working remotely. For some, these means a satellite location as part of a small team while others are totally on their own. According to a 2016 study, 53% of surveyed employees prefer to work remotely, while 38% have the option to. However, how can you make the most out of your new situation? How do you ensure you’re using your time productively?
Self-Motivation is Key
There are plenty of pitfalls and distractions when you’re not in a main office space and the flexibility that working from home brings can be a double-edged sword. While you definitely have more freedoms, there won’t be anyone “keeping an eye” on you. If you don’t like being micromanaged, the opportunity to work remotely can feel like a dream, but are you positive you can stay on track?
The first thing to assess is how you work best in the first place. Again, if you’re a self-starter and are used to staying on-task without supervision, you’ll probably be fine in this area. However, if you’re new to the remote game, having little to no interaction with coworkers and supervisors can be a jarring experience. The best thing you can do is plan out your week or even just your day in advance. Share this with your supervisor so you’re both aware of your goals and tasks.
Don’t be afraid to “manage up,” either. In other words, take it upon yourself to schedule regular check-ins with your supervisor. For one thing, it holds you accountable without someone looking over your shoulder. Another reason is it allows you to remain informed about the goings on at the company. Bonus: your supervisors might be impressed by your initiative and transparency!
Figure Out a Routine
Depending on how much leeway you have within your company, you might be able to set your own working hours. Maybe 7-3 is more preferable to you than the traditional 9-5. No matter your circumstances or preferences, make sure your company is aware and approves of your schedule. Once everyone knows what times you’ll be at work, do your best to set up a regular routine.
Sure, one of the greatest aspects of working remotely is the flexibility, but a solid routine is not without its merit. For one, knowing what you’ll be doing throughout the day or week allows you to better balance work and freetime. Sure, it’s easy to binge watch seven episodes of something and start working at 4pm, but are you really going to want to work until midnight? A good routine also takes the guesswork out of your schedule and allows you to manage your time more efficiently.
Find a Good Place to Work
A key component of your new remote schedule and routine ought to include a reliable, yet flexible workspace. Sure, you have the option of staying home, (with your TV, and your books, and your bed) but will you be the most productive there? Another option is the coffee shop or other publics spaces. Have fun battling for table space, free outlets, and spotty wifi. On top of that, throw in the crowds and constant distractions and there’s a good chance you probably won’t be at your most productive.
The best way to solve all of these issues? Find a coworking space. There are plenty of benefits that gel with your newly established schedule and routine. For one, you’ll have somewhere to go every day—away from the vices of home and the annoyances of the coffee shop. A coworking space also provides some reassurance for your supervisors. They’ll be reassured that your needs are being met and that you have a proper place to do work.
Work Remotely from Ascender
Ascender offers the ideal shared office space for the remotest of workers. You’ll have access to your own desk to put you in the right working mood, reliable wifi and printers, designated conference and phone conversation space, and the opportunity to collaborate with folks from many different industries. Click here to book a tour.